Baby’s First Year


There’s nothing that can compare to watching your baby grow.  As a fellow mom myself I’ve seen it, lived it and (yes, I know you can go right ahead and laugh with me) cried through it all.  I know it’s such a cliche but it’s sooo true – they grow so incredibly fast.  One minute they are these little squishy balls of love and the next they are a fireball running through your home at speeds you could never imagine possible for a child so young.  That’s why I decided I needed to offer a package that will capture the transition of you newborn little baby to your adorable toddler.  I also like to focus a little bit on the family as well so you can capture those family dynamics over the course of your baby’s very first year.  That way in 20 years you can laugh right along with your then adult child about how (as I am sure it will feel) those days were just yesterday.

The pacakge price is $2000 plus 7.738% tax which works out to be a discounted session/flashdrive pricing for each session ($400 vs the normal $450) and you get the added bonuses of 25 birth announcements and a custom album of your baby’s first year!  Check out the details below.

The Package Includes:

  • 5 Sessions – Typically these sessions are newborn, 3 months, 6 months, 9 months and 1 year but you can definitely changes things up a bit to suit any family traditions you may have or if you’d like to include a maternity session and skip say the 9 month session.  Let me know what would work best for your family and that’s what we’ll do!
  • 25 5X7 Custom Designed birth announcements.  The announcements are printed on both sides so you have extra room for some creativity and they are printed on premium pearl/art linen cardstock.  I will bring a sample with me to the newborn session so you can take a look.  Envelopes are included.  I also give a discount for any additional sets you may need (they come in sets of 25).
  • 5 USB Flashdrives – one for each of your sessions.  All the images from each of your private galleries are on the flashdrives and a print release will be included with each one as well.
  • 1 8X8 20 page Custom designed Coffee Table album with key images from all 5 of your sessions.  Not all images from your sessions will be included since there will be so many – I will make a first draft for you to look over and then we go back and forth from there with whatever edits you’d like to see.  Keep in mind that the album is completely custom so if you want to set the album up as a storybook with we can do that as well!


Timing is actually pretty important when it comes to these first couple of sessions so let me know when you decide that you would like to do the first year package.  There is no deposit necessary, but it’s good for me to have a heads up on when you are due or would like to potentially have your maternity session.

Maternity sessions are best done between 32-34 weeks give or take.  It’s best to have a full pregnant belly, but you don’t want to wait so long that you are tired – this should be a fun shoot!  This is just a rough estimate – you are your own best judge for what will be appropriate for you.  🙂

Newborn sessions are best done between 3-10 days.  You’ll be amazed at how quickly your tiny newborn will turn into a lovely baby – just a couple of weeks really.   Let me know you are planning on scheduling a newborn session with me as well as what your due date is so that I can try to keep my schedule a bit flexible around that time.  We won’t actually schedule the session though until after your bundle has arrived – just give me a call/email that first day if you could so that we can find a time that will work out best for you.  Newborn sessions are typically on weekday mornings and all are done either in the hospital before you leave or at your home.  No you do not have to clean.  Did I mention that I have 4 kiddos?  Let me put your mind at ease when I say there is no mess that will shock me or keep us from having an amazing session!  The biggest key is that you (and your amazing new little one!!) are comfortable and happy through the session!

Newborn sessions usually run from 45 minutes to 2 hours long.  I like to make sure we have plenty of time for changes, cuddling, feeding, etc.  I would plan on 2 hours and if we get done early you have a little extra time in your schedule.  😉

You are free to book your remaining sessions whenever you have a day and time that will work for you.  🙂 Keep in mind that fall tends to book up fast so when you hit that season be sure to contact me late summer to book so that you can pick an appropriate time for your family.


Send me a message to get started on your baby’s first year photography now!