Katie Me! 😉 Hi!! So who am I? I’m sooo many things on any given day it can be hard to nail that down sometimes. Fun Mom. Strict Mom. Artist. Sister. Impromptu Nurse for a bazillion different bo-bo’s. Photographer. Teacher. Wife. Best Friend. But never in the same order. 🙂 Best of all I’m someone who loves to really look at the world. To see the true straight-out amazing beauty in our everyday lives. Because it’s always there – we just have to look. Sometimes our lives are messy, the kids are crazy and we wouldn’t change a thing – so why not capture that crazy fun that is our lives?
The way I see it everyone is beautiful when they are truly themselves. So I aim to try to catch those moments in my photography by standing back. Hanging out with you for a moment. Get a feel for where we are and where you are at the moment. Then I make sure the light is good, and away we go. I do not pose. Seriously. Don’t panic – deep breath. 😉 I may ask for some silly things – fake laughter, skipping, snuggling waaaay closer than ever before in public – but for the most part I’m looking for your reaction to my requests. In those candid moments you find the truthful grace that is you. 🙂 If your family plays board games, does soccer, has tea parties consider bringing along one of those items and we’ll play a game!
So have a look around. See what you see. If you have questions, ask away. Call. Email. Shout super loud. Whatever works best for you. Except the shouting. That’s probably not the best. 😉