St. Louis Family Photography | Tilles Park

This weekend I met up with the R family at Tilles Park for their little man's first birthday shoot!  When we arrived it was raining so we took some cover near the playground then ventured out to the main park once it cleared up a bit.  Little Mr. R wasn't a fan of the grass at first but very quickly learned he loved to run in it so run he did and everywhere.[...]

St. Louis Family Photography | Bee Tree Park

This past weekend I had the chance to meet up again with the L family and it was fantastic!!!  We met up at Bee Tree Park to get some shots of little Miss L sitting up and playing with her bunny although her mood turned a bit when she first grabbed a handful of grass. Seems she is not so much a fan.  Big brother was there to jump in and lend a smiling hand w[...]

St. Louis Family Photography | Our Lady of the Snows

This past weekend I had the chance to meet up with the P family once again!  Last time I saw them little Miss P was the age of her now little brother!  OMG these two are so cute and he is so much like his big sister when she was that age!  I seriously have the coolest job ever watching amazing families grow!  Thanks so much to the P family for a fantastic ti[...]

St. Louis Family Photographer | My Personal Family Vacation

Hi everyone!  So I've been out of town for a couple of weeks and since so many of you choose to share your families on my blog, I think it's only fair that I share my family with you too!  We headed out to Denver first to see my sister and her husband!  We hiked the 2nd flat iron on the 4th of July and while it was an amazing experience - I left my camera in[...]

St. Louis Family Photography | Forest Park | Grand Basin

This past weekend I got to meet the C Family at Forest Park.  We opted to meet at the Grand Basin and take a walk from there.  This family was a blast from the start!  The youngest member of the family was on the go so we played along with her, running about and laughing the way through the session.  Thanks so much to the C family for a fabulous morning! [...]

St. Louis Family Photography | Missouri Botanical Gardens

Last week I had the chance to meet up with the S family at the Missouri Botanical Gardens and it was a blast!  I can't believe how big these girls have grown!  So much fun running through the gardens with them, playing in the grass and keeping an eye out for passing dogs in the park!  Thanks so much to the S family for such a fabulous morning!   [...]

St. Louis Family Photography

This last week I had the chance to meet up with the A family at Bee Tree Park in Oakville.  We stared off at the "stone house" and ended up playing in the water in the fountain to keep cool - how much fun!  Thanks so much to the A family for a great afternoon!          

St. Louis Wedding Photography | St. Mary Magdalen | City Center Hotel

Oh so excited to share this fun couple's wedding day with you!!  I started the day off with Brittany at the hotel with her large family - I felt very much at home!!!  🙂  I love big families!!  After getting wedding-ready we headed to St. Mary Magdalen Magdalen in Brentwood for their ceremony.  The rain held off in the morning but then came in full force aft[...]

St. Louis Family Photography | Tower Grove Park

This past week I got to meet the newest member of the B family!  This family is soooo adorable - am I lucky or what?  These two little boys had a blast running around in the park and their new little sister was happy to be along for the ride!  The best part - a million and one laughs while the little ones did their thing.  Thanks so much to the B family for [...]

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